Resolve to Change your Mindset! Set Yourself up for Success!

Resolve to Change your Mindset! Set Yourself up for Success!

Welcome to 2019! New Year, New You! Right?

Wrong. Of course we’d all love to lose 20lbs by February, but this is an unrealistic goal. So while you’ve heard it before, I’ll say it again, “Slow and steady wins the race!”
I’m also guilty of wanting a quick fix (even with all this schooling), it’s human nature. But I know that’s not the best route.

The best diet for a person, is the diet they will stick to, so instead of completely overhauling your current eating bad habits, I’d suggest instead making smaller changes that will lead to great results! Such as:

·         Smarter Snacking: Trade in those salty chips for nuts, select portable veggies like carrots or cherry tomatoes,  get rid of the less healthy snacks in your house

·         Drink More Water!  For every glass of non-water you drink, drink 2 glasses of water, then add two more glasses at the beginning and end of your day.

·         Try a new vegetable a week (not sure what to do with that parsnip? Ask me 😊)

·         Meal Plan/Prep! (not exactly a small change if you’ve never done it, but super effective. Need help, ask me 😊)

·         Use the “Diet Fervor” to your advantage, mostly everyone is trying to adopt healthier habits this time of year. Find some supportive friend to be accountable with.

·         Reward yourself with non- food rewards when you reach your goals! ( did I hear someone say spa day?)

Happy New Year! If you need help, your friends at RLDC are here to help you with all your nutrition information related needs.

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