Eat Right to Fight! FCUK Cancer!

Eat Right to Fight! FCUK Cancer!

It’s Breast Cancer Month!

Cancer, as we all know, is a terrible disease. And unfortunately, no, there’s no way to completely prevent or cure it through diet (regardless of what that documentary you saw on Netflix said).  BUT, studies do show a correlation between healthier eating and positive outcomes regarding cancer development and treatment.

Amp up the Antioxidants!

Antioxidants are compounds that lessen the effects of “free radicals” in the body. You want less of that as free radicals are associated with DNA damage, aging, nerve and joint damage, and increased risk of heart disease. The easiest way to increase and get a variety of antioxidants into your diet are to make your plate COLORFUL! Vegetables, fruits, and nuts have the highest amounts of naturally occurring antioxidants, and the colors tell you what! Want some beta-carotene?  Carrots and sweet potatoes! Anthocyanins? Blueberries, raspberries, grapes (and red wine, but I can’t in good conscience suggest you drink alcohol to become healthier, it doesn’t work that way) spinach, and peanuts. Lycopene? Tomatoes, watermelons, grapefruits. The more COLOR the better!

Focus on Fruits and Vegetables!

Notice a trend here? The increased fiber content and nutrient quality from a diet higher in fruits and vegetables show some protective effects against cancer, but there is not enough evidence to apply a causal reason, as many other factors go into cancer development.  This diet can also prevent/lessen obesity, which brings me to my next point…

Watch your Weight!

In reference to cancer, is associated with at least 13 different types of cancer. These cancers make up 40% of all cancers diagnosed. It is not fully understood why those with obesity face an increased risk of cancer, but as a general rule of prevention, it is suggested people get to, and maintain a healthy weight. Obesity is a condition that can lead development of several diseases, so it is best to try to manage your diet to get you to your healthiest place.

Resolve to Change your Mindset! Set Yourself up for Success!

Resolve to Change your Mindset! Set Yourself up for Success!

Cholesterol: The Good, the Bad and the [Tri]gly[ceride]

Cholesterol: The Good, the Bad and the [Tri]gly[ceride]