It’s Easy to OVERDO It.
I know, I know…. Sticking to a healthy diet is hard, and an occasional cheat meal is ok. But the key word is OCCASIONAL! The calories from those occasional meals can quickly add up, and derail the progress you’ve made towards keeping your intake goals! I’ll break it down for you just how easily one can overdo it:
Say you are eating 1500 cals a day, that’s only 10,500 cals a week. I personally like the 80/20 concept in making 80% of the food you intake generally healthy (VEGETABLES, whole grains, lean baked or roasted meats, some dairy) and 20% less healthy (foods with lots of added sugar, sat or trans fats, etc.). So this will give you a ratio of 8400 cals to 2100 cals “healthy/unhealthy”. 2100 isn’t a lot of calories my friend. This is ONE meal at most chain restaurants, not including any alcoholic beverages. And most of us aren’t eating 1 meal a day. Broken up over the course of 7 days, its still only 300 cals a day. And that’s if you are diligent with the rest of your eating. Those seemingly harmless evening glasses of wine and office snacks can add up quick.
“But I don’t cheat that often!, why isn’t this scale moving?!”
We have to be honest with ourselves, guys. We( as humans) have a tendency to remember things better than they were. Food dairies or apps like MyFitnessPal are great tools to get a realistic view of what we are eating. And can help you reach your goals that much quicker!
Need Assistance setting up a Food Dairy? Hit me up!
Good Luck!