With all these detoxes and cleanses being offered these days, it can be difficult to know what is best. And while many offer the promise of fat loss, the most they will truly lighten up is your wallet. The good news is there several natural, safe, and easy ways to increase proper digestion.
Digestion is thought of mostly only in terms of evacuation, but the entire process of eating has digestive properties, and the more important point of digestion is the absorption of nutrients, not the loss of waste. Now let’s talk about something less gross.
Ways to Optimize Digestion:
1) EAT MORE FIBER! – you knew this one was coming guys, as only 20% of Americans get their needed fiber intake. Which is 27 grams a day for an adult male, 23 for an adult female and 20 for teenagers, but very few people get to this level. One can increase fiber intake by consuming whole grain products instead of refined (usually “white” versions of foods), increasing vegetable intake, and increasing fruit intake (instead of drinking juice).
2) DRINK MORE WATER!- you knew this one was coming too. Proper hydration is essential for proper body functioning, not simply digestion. Almost all your cells utilize water in some way, and the ones the lining of your GI Tract are no exception.
3) Eat MINDFULLY- Chew your food and enjoy the experience!
Not nutrition related, but EXERCISE is also a great way to naturally promote proper digestion, and a host of other positive effects.